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Take the advantage --Proud to be A Muslim
Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan hikmat kepada Luqman, yaitu: "Bersyukurlah kepada Allah. Dan barangsiapa yang bersyukur (kepada Allah), maka sesungguhnya ia bersyukur untuk dirinya sendiri; dan barangsiapa yang tidak bersyukur, maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha Terpuji." (LUqman:12)
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SM Media Office: Physicians for Human Rights sending doctors to Rambam to help and intervene if necessary #Flotillaabout 1 hour ago via web
Last Thursday, we have training on safety wire and corrosin check on the aircraft in the hangar. The instructor, Hj. Megat have divide members of easa4 into small groups. Each group with 4 members have to check wether the parts in the airplane or helicopter like safety wire have to be replace or not. If none of that things can be find, then other parts must be resolve- find the corrosion parts, clean and fix it.
My group, have checking on boeing727 left landing gear and we found 2parts -turnbuckles. That turnbuckles safety wiring must be replaced with the new one .The tools that we used is safety wiring pliers, long nose pliers. The wire for turnbuckles that we used is wire 1/32 inch diameter.
Next day, we have made check on the jackscrew whether the jack screw have the corrosion or not. We open on each part and check any suspicious or dent on the gear of the jackscrew. Oh ya, know the jackscrew? It’s the moving part(connect to the hydraulic pump through the lever ) that does make elevator or flaps moving up or down depending on the aircraft. The a/c that my team does it is on the HS125.
Last Saturday 22nd May, I went to P.dickson to have the rehlah n barbeque with the member of Silat Cekak. At least 14 members gethered there by cars and motorcycles. The event starts at 10am with Shanaz become PIC for conducting games.
The game is simple, it's an ordinary game-child game like throw and send back the water ballon, spoon and ping pong, tie up our legs and move front and back together, have the beach football game and etc. Mostly, I could say this is the best game for fun that I ever had. We can do cheats and tricks, throw any members to the sea and have photos of the events also.. (could not provide right now..maybe next time :) )
Salam... This blog is dedicate for experience which I get through my journey at any places in Malaysia, 'Tanah airku'. Also, I use it to tell about my life as a Muslim who commit prayer 5 times a day and also as a student that took part in EASA Part 66 program. Any recommendations or suggestions, you may address or sent notifications via my facebook. Any about my sharing knowledge and my artistics can be found by clicking the word AZAMTEKAD above. Lastly, Sorry if my English grammar is so bad. I'm gonna improve it little by little. So don't hesitate to teach me. I appreciate your long as it brings kindliness to us.
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