Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan hikmat kepada Luqman, yaitu: "Bersyukurlah kepada Allah. Dan barangsiapa yang bersyukur (kepada Allah), maka sesungguhnya ia bersyukur untuk dirinya sendiri; dan barangsiapa yang tidak bersyukur, maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha Terpuji." (LUqman:12)

Cancellation on publishing the U206 assembly project

Due to the restriction given by my Lecturer and the university, publishing of the project( on most project) in this blog has to be GROUNDED, including the aircraft Cessna U206 project. Huhu....

So, my posts will then goes on my journey and the aviation engineering OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY itself. So don't worry about this. Blogging on the aircraft engineering still goes on....

Aircraft repairing-tools for cable tensioning and leveling the aircraft

Spirit Level
Safety wire tools, Tenshiometer, Propeller leveler on display
Our lecturer En Zairi present us on how to operate the tenshiometer-New and old one
The old tensiometer- comes with the performance table so the range for cable tensioning can be well determined.
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